Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Latvian Garden Blanket

This has been finished since before xmas, as my younger brother got this for his newborn son as a xmas present. But as many of you know, blogging about things shortly after they have occur are a lot harder than you would think. So, now I blog Smile.


The colors were initially selected on the basis that my younger brother were expecting a girl, and my sister-in-law not being especially fond of traditionally girl’s colors. Which was lucky seeing that my nephew surprised everyone by being a small boy, and not a girl.


I used a sewing machine both to secure the steek and to attach the cotton fabric on the backside. Next time (if there is such a thing) I will try to use the crochet technique to secure the steek, as the sewing machine made the steek grow a lot. And I mean A LOT. Which in turn made it very hard to attach the cotton fabric as the knitted fabric no longer resembled a rectangle.


But, as a first try, both on knitting such a huge and difficult color work, as well as doing a steek, and attaching fabric to anything hand knitted, I am quite pleased with the result. And the newly made parents also seemed pleased.
